BBQ box.

October 24, 2022
So, we realized that bbq box has been popping up everywhere and we decided to go check it out.

Naturally, when we go somewhere new, my boy would order quite a fair bit of dishes to try. As today was our first time, he ordered 1 stick of all them different meats to try. 

They weren’t to my liking to be honest. Every single skewer that came were just soaked in the same marinate which was cumin base. But hey, that’s just me. Can’t say I really dig all them spices and cumin. My boy didn’t really fancy the beef, but he found his favorite skewer - Chicken gizzard. He had skewers after skewers and even complained that his jaws hurt from all that chewing.

They did however have my favorite sweet potato noodles in a mala soup base and it was tasty af! The best part is, you can request for your dishes to be less spicy, so it’s perfect for me. 

They also have zha jiang mian on the menu, which is also another one of my favorite. Definitely next on my to try list!

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