1 whole week.

June 29, 2022

I’m free!

So, a week ago, when my mother tested positive for corona virus, I was so damn sure that I couldn’t dodge that bullet, not especially since we’ve been spending all day together, sharing food and having slept beside her. 

As upset as I was, I figured, I might as well get it over and done with. It’s more about when you get it now, rather than if.

Even though I tested negative from the time my mum tested positive, right through the end of her isolation period, I just locked myself in my room, just in case, as my grandmother is 93 years old and the last thing we want is for her to get sick. What’s more, we’ve all heard of asymptomatic people and I might have been the same. 

But hey, even though I earned myself a sore bum and was deprived of my boyf for a week, I’m just thankful I didn’t get it. Who knows how corona virus really works eh?

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