Much needed massage.

November 10, 2014
So today, Baobao came over and brought me to Tiong bahru for a much needed massage session. Once upon a time, I went for a massage once a week at JB, but it has been a long time since I last had a massage. Somehow, I'm always aching. Mainly on my shoulders and neck, but recently, my whole body has been aching like mad and I can never understand why I'm aching on a permanent basis.

Today was the first time I actually had a massage done here in Singapore, and I must say it's pretty cheap and good ! An hour's worth cost me just $55. I foresee myself frequenting this massage parlour !

After I was done, we crossed over to the market and had lunch before taking a bus down to Colosseum. We were originally going over to play a game or 2 of dota, but we ended up catching up with our friends instead.

At about half past 5, we left for Buona vista where we were going to meet Hana baby & Donald for dinner.

I'm sure you can guess where we went for dinner. If you haven't got a clue, I'll tell you - Gan yakitori. It's where my dad works !

Whilst waiting for Donald, we had some yakitori to snack on.

We ordered our mains when Donald arrived, but by then, I was too engrossed with our chat and had forgotten to take photos of our dinner. Oops !

But nevertheless, it was great catching up with lovely friends !

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