Company lunch.

May 21, 2013

We had our first ever company lunch as CAPL today.

The original plan was to meet with Fufu and Xiong Fu, who both live near me, but I received a text from Pauline whilst I was getting ready, saying that she'd come to us. That crazy love of mine ! She lives at Seng Kang mind you. You get my drift yet ? I was the first to arrive, followed by Xiong Fu and Pauline showed up not long after. You know what amuses me ? Pauline had traveled all the way from Seng Kang but still managed to arrive before Fufu did.

Here's one photo taken whilst waiting for the King.

When the King had finally arrived, we boarded a train and headed to City hall where we met up with the rest. We were going up the escalators when I realized my ez-link was no longer in my pocket. It then dawned on me that I may have left it behind on the chair when we took a photo. Sighface. I had just topped up $20 earlier as well. Sigh.

Whine aside.

Daniel asked everyone if we preferred Western or Chinese cuisine a few weeks back, but I guess it's one for the Chinese and he brought us to Leigh garden at CHIJMES. It was pretty neat to be honest. The only sad thing was that we had to split into 2 tables - like duh right ? Who has a round table for 20 people ?

You ready ? Here comes the food.

My mother taught me not to play with my food, but I did it anyway !

Does this remind you of the puppet from the movie, saw ?

What an awesome feast we had.  Thank you for lunch Daniel !

And of course, a group picture !

So after lunch, we all walked back to bugis+ under the hot sun. When we got back, Daniel had already planned for us to play a few games at the arcade before we all started work.

Whilst waiting for everyone to gather, as usual, Pauline and I fooled around. So what's new ?

When everyone finally gathered at the arcade, Daniel then split us into 4 teams of 4. We then were made to play hopping road which I was forced into representing my team!

Jumping on that made my legs turn into mush. Honestly, my legs wouldn't function halfway through. I gave it my all and somehow I still ended up being in last place. I could of sworn my machine was faulty ! Obviously I didn't complete the race. I just jumped off it halfway through and made Vincent continue.

Needless to say, my team got last placing for this thanks to me.

Next up was outrun 2. I'm not entirely sure how the 2 person driver works, but it somehow did !

Well, I would just like to thank Daniel for the awesome day we've all had.

And sankyuu Aiai for buying me the lollipop I randomly said I wanted ! 

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