Worst Christmas ever.

December 25, 2023

Why is this the worst ever Christmas you ask?

Well, I thought Tarou chan was dying. In fact, I actually thought he died.

So, the day started as per normal. I woke up, made my coffee and seeing as we had the day off, I thought I'd do some laundry.

And today was supposed to be special, because it's been years since I last has a home made Christmas lunch and my mum said she'll cook it this year after Christmas mass.

As I was hanging the clothes, I heard some weird ass sounds that Tarou chan was making and went to look at him. He stared back at me, with what looked like a possessed smile. I was confused. I called out for him to come to me, which he obviously had major difficulties. I panicked and called out to Geraint and he agreed that Tarou chan didn't look right. He laid on my lap with very faint breaths. I called my mum and started crying and she was like yeah yeah I'm coming home now.

So, a while later, my mum and granny came home and he greeted them as usual. I was like whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa? Okay, we then proceeded to have Christmas lunch, which of course I had already lost my appetite thinking I lost my son and then not knowing what was wrong with him. 

We then continued on with our day, constantly checking on him of course and towards the evening, when we all stood up, he wanted to follow and that was when he started to have what looked like a fit. He started tumbling around violently in his bed and his eye was rolling everywhere, with tons on drool dripping from his mouth. Of course, at this moment, I shat myself and held him to prevent him from hurting himself, but he was so strong. My mum and  I started crying, but of course I was more dramatic. I told him that mama will be okay. If he's in pain, he doesn't have to old on, just go to princess mummy and  baby san. 

At that present moment, do you know who was as cool as a cucumber? Geraint. Whilst all this drama was going on, he still had time to google what might be wrong with Tarou chan. Wts. Legends were made this day. But yes, he managed to find out that this was not uncommon with older dogs and he would just get better in a day or 2. Let's just hope this is true!

Well guys, I hope your Christmas was better than mine!

Oh yes, here is our Christmas lunch that my mother had prepared for us.

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