Happy 55th birthday Singapore !

August 09, 2020


Happy birthday Singapore !

Although I've never been to any rehearsals or the live parade itself, I must say, it does feel weird knowing that there isn't going to be the usual parade this year. THANK YOU COVID.

Looking back the past few years, I actually think I have been playing mahjong on this very day. Not this year though. In fact, we didn't do very much.

Following the timetable given, we did actually manage to capture a few (horribly taken) photos.

As for food, we decided that today wouldn't be the best day for delivery and we were too lazy to go get food, so we settled for tanuki soba.

We then spent the evening watching the live telecast on tv and that's about it.

Oh oh ! We did stick them red stickers onto our phone's torchlight and stood at our window waving them around with everyone else. It was actually quite surprising as I wasn't expecting it, but there was so many people who joined in as well !

And so, that pretty much sums up my National day this year.

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