It's Jason day !

March 16, 2019

Ever since I saw the trailer for Captain Marvel at the end of Infinity wars, I have been looking forward to this day, and the day has finally arrived.

And who better to watch it with ? Jason, my movie buddy of course.

So we kicked off the day with some Korean bbq. I'm not quite a big fan of k-bbq, not because I don't enjoy the food, but in fact, it's the way you end up smelling that I don't quite fancy and the smell of grease just seem to get stuck to you for the next 3 days as well. But my friend here wanted to have some and very rarely does he ever request for anything specific, so of course we had to go have some Korean bbq. 

And you know what we went on to do after eating ? Well, we went on stinking out the entire cinema. Only kidding. Thanks to my xiong bao bao that I bought in Taiwan, we didn't smell that bad. If case you're wondering what that is, well, it's basically like febreeze and it works wonders. 

Captain Marvel was amazing. To be absolutely honest with you lot, I have never heard of her until the end of Infinity wars. But hey, I grew up with Sailormoon and Ultraman, so I deserve to be excused.

Well, if you thought that was the end of my day out, it wasn't. We went on for a 3 hour karaoke session after our movie. And you know what I gained from today's sesh ? A new favorite song !

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