Kazumi day !

8 years ago

Met up with Kazumi today and can you guess what for ? Well, the main purpose was to watch Lulu the movie.

Well, before the movie, we went to have dinner. As neither of us has ever eaten at J-pot, we thought we'd give it a go. 

Okay, so before I give my verdict, here's what we had !

As you can see, we were given individual mini pots. All the soup bases we ordered today was pretty good if you ask me. Although, I would really like to try the porridge one on my next visit !

The ingredients that we ordered turned out to be pretty good as well, but unless you don't find removing of the quail egg shells annoying, don't bother ordering it. We had to cooked it and then wait like 10 years for it to cool down before we were able to consume it. That was more than enough to put us off having quail eggs.

But that aside, it was pretty awesome.

Well, here's the address if you are interested.

JPOT Hotpot Singapore Style
Tampines 1
10 Tampines central
Singapore 529536

Before I get onto the movie, here's our mandatory wefies.

Now, for the highlight of our day - Lulu the movie.

All I can say is that the we extremely loved the movie and we had such a great laugh. Two thumbs up to Michelle Chong for the awesome film ! I know of a lot of people who do not support local products, but this is totally awesome.

I so want that Diao bag she has now !

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