Christmas eve.

8 years ago
It's Christmas eve and I'm sure most of you will have your parties to attend.

Well, spent Christmas eve with Kazumi and some mates at Eugene's amazing office.

Check out their d.i.y snowman made of plastic cups !


I'm also extremely in love with this hanging door streamer. It's so pretty !

A gathering would not be a gathering without food and here's what we had !

We had lots and lots of fried chicken from Chir chir and steamboat !

We were supposed to have a gift exchange as well, but the gathering was only confirmed this morning, which made it impossible for a lot of us to do last minute shopping so it was cancelled.

For entertainment, we had different activities going on. We had running man playing in the background. We had a mahjong session going on and this secret password game that will amuse you. The forfeit of the game was to eat the leftover steamboat ingredients with a whole load of chillies, It was horrible !

Well, sadly, we forgot to take a group photo !

Anyways, before I end my post, I want to thank Kazumi for her lovely present !

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