Din tai fung.

November 04, 2016
Just 4 days ago, my grand-mother underwent a day surgery to remove flesh from her eyes. Well, there's a proper term for it, but simply put it, she had flesh from her corner of her eyes growing over her vision and if not treated, it could completely cover her eyes. She was complaining that her vision was getting blurred, but I never expected this to be the cause. I've never even heard of this until now !

So anyways, she had to wear contact lens to protect her eyes. The doctor explained that her eyes were like open wound and the contact lens would make it less pain. We went down to the clinic today to have them remove and thank God that everything went smoothly. He was mentioning that a lot of people feel pain during this period, but my grand-mother was fine. Yay !

We have to make one last trip there when her eye gets better so that they could give her an eye prescription to make a pair of glasses. BOOOOOO ! I honestly hate the long wait ! T.T

By the time we were done with the appointment, it was dinner time and so off we went to Din tai fung. 9 out of the 10 times we visit Paragon, we dine at Din tai fung. ^w^

Recently, they launched a premium menu alongside their normal menu and in there, I saw birdnest. I just had to have one !

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