Soup restaurant.

October 25, 2016
My grand-mother had an appointment with an eye doctor whose clinic was at Paragon so we decided to have lunch there to make life easier.

It's been quite a while since we last had the chicken from Soup restaurant, so I was kind of craving it.

They do pretty delish soups as well, so the next time you're there, you could try some.

I was dreading the appointment because I've been to that eye specialist clinic and I know how long the wait is. The wait could take 2-3 hours. Well, I went prepared for sure ! I had 2 portable charges on me, so I could play as much mobile games as I wanted to burn time.

Well, as expected, we did end up waiting for about 2 hours. But it's alright, I had my games to entertain me.

For dinner today, I had a craving for some Dominos pizza so we got a delivery.

I usually go for the stuff crusted pizza. I don't usually eat much, so what I do is peel off the dough and just eat the cheese. It's super good. But I decided to try the cheese burst instead today, so no cheese for me !

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