Paris 2011 - Day 3.

May 01, 2011
Our last day in Paris.

We decided to make a trip down to the palace of Versailles. Had to take a metro and then change to a train. And then walked for ages from the station before we arrived.

Upon arriving, we saw this really long queue and realized that we would be joining it as well. Queued for an hour and a half, which didn't feel that long, but thanks to this 3 people behind us, who practically shouted for the whole wait didn't help either.

Finally, got inside the palace. First thing we did ? Made a visit to the loo.

The palace was huge.! It had so many sections and so many different themed room and almost every ceiling was beautifully painted. It was very hard to take pictures as well, because the palace was over crowded with people.

After touring the palace, we left and took a long walk back to the station. Decided to have lunch in this Spanish restaurant before heading back. We made a detour to Gallery Lafayette before going back though. For what ? For macaroons that cost stupid amounts. But hey, what Nana wants, Nana gets.

Rushed back to the hotel to pick up our left baggage and took a taxi to Gare du nord and left for London.

Byebye Paris.

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