Happy new year !

January 01, 2011

あけましておめでとうございます ‼ ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ

Happy 2011 everyone. I can't believe yet another has gone by just like that. It wasn't the most amazing year or anything and probably had more crap stuff then good, but there was definitely some good in it.

Bad :
-lost a few people
-temporary loss of 2 of my best friends
-big hole in my pocket
-I'm still smoking even though my resolution for last year was to quit
-weight loss in the wrong way

Good :
-converted to full time staff at Colosseum
-finally managed to find Uncle Ben again after losing contact for 2 years
-met Dong Wan
-got myself my precious little Tarou-chan

That's like pretty much how 2010 went. But whatever crap happened in 2010, shall be left there. It's twenty-eleven. Let this year be a fab one for every single one of you.

Alright, so here's how I spent my countdown last night. I got to spend it at Colosseum whilst on duty with Fufu, Kaze, Xiong Fu & Jason. We had a mini feast. Kaze ordered 2 large Sarpino's pizza whilst Fufu and I bought J Co doughnuts, red wine and beer. Whilst counting down and being merry, I looked up and to my shock, I saw quite a number of geeks with their eyes just glue-ed to the screen. How sad is that ? Can't you even take a few seconds to countdown or something ? .______________________." Anyways, here are some pictures courtesy of Fufu.

After our shift ended, which was 3am by the way, we walked down. And to our horror, the streets were filled with people and there weren't a single empty cab in sight. Finally decided that we'd call comfort and ended being put on hold for 20 minutes ? Got through and tried asking for 3 taxis but only one came. So goes without saying, I got into the first cab with Zacc & Afiz. Went to my dad's place where he had a bbq party on New year day itself. I stuffed my face with bare food, except that I missed out on the fishballs and hotdogs. And you know what ? The marshmallows were like the most important thing and they were hidden in a corner untouched. Sigh. Anyways, I'm off downstairs to have more of the pineapple strudel that Fabian korkor bought.

Oh yeah, before I go though, here's my new year resolution.

*Quit smoking before the end of the year
*To save more money
*To spend more time with my family
*Be nicer to people
*Stop procrastinating
*Take my license

That's all for now, if I can think of anymore, I'll post em'.

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