Dinner and dessert.

May 08, 2017
It's always a nightmare trying to organize a meet up date with my #colofamily loves. It always seems impossible to arrange a day where everyone can make it, but we'd get there in the end.

It has been more than 2 weeks since I came back from my Taiwan trip and I really needed to pass them the sun cakes that I had bought for them, as the shelf life is only a month, which meant that they had about a week left to gobble them up.

So yes, we finally managed to meet today with just Pauline being absent. Fufu was there, but you know, someone had to help take our photo. Teehee.

We didn't particularly have anything in mind, so we just settled for Fish and co.

With everyone's busy schedule, we hardly get to meet up these days and since we were already out, we decided to continue catching up over desserts. We had originally planned to go to Ah Chew's dessert but we decided to bail on that idea when we saw the queue. It was a horrendous snaking queue. We ended up at Ji de chi, which was just across the road. It was crowded, but we did manage to snag ourselves a table.

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