May 31, 2014

Dinner & desserts.

Just because I wanted to have the famous samsui chicken. And to think we still had space for desserts.
May 29, 2014

Nail polish set from Etude house.

I recently made a visit to Etude house and whilst browsing, I came across a set of graduation nail polish and thought I'd buy one. I d...
May 26, 2014


Ever since our first visit to '三宝亭' ― Sanpoutei, we fell in love with that place. So today, my dad and I went again ! Let me br...
May 20, 2014


I desperately needed to visit the nail parlour. I can polish my own nails, but when it comes to cutting them, I'm hopeless. So I went do...
May 15, 2014

A good deal.

If you like bento, you can actually find good ones at Meidiya. Just in case you don't know what Meidiya is, it is a Japanese supermarket...
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